Salesforce rest api resources Get an Image from a Rich Text Area Field Find critical answers for all things Salesforce – search resources, browse documentation, log cases, and more. Resources by Version. 0 Document for sObjects REST API (Beta These REST API resources require Chatter and can have different rate limit allocations. This CHAPTER 6 Chat REST API Resources To perform a POST or GET request, create and send an HTTP request with the appropriate parameters or request body. These suggestions are based on common keywords in the title, description, and other information that’s entered before the record has been saved and assigned an ID. It also allows you to filter using several DataCategories, networks (sites), orderBy constraints, and filters. New, Changed, and Deprecated Calls. Examples / Getting Information About My Organization / List Available REST REST API is a simple and powerful web service based on RESTful principles. sObject Basic Information Returns a list of Salesforce Knowledge article titles that match the user’s search query string. Articles Find critical answers for all things Salesforce – search resources, browse documentation, log cases, and more. The following table lists supported REST resources in the API and provides a brief description for each. Create Engaging Member Experiences by Using Widgets. zip file size limit that applies to SOAP calls doesn’t apply to the deployRequest REST resource. 0) Latest. Company This resource is available in REST API version 28. Salesforce; Marketing Cloud; Experiences Find critical answers for all things Salesforce – search resources, browse documentation, log cases, and more. 4 %âãÏÓ 3857 0 obj > 4 Find critical answers for all things Salesforce – search resources, browse documentation, log cases, and more. Experience the Tableau Embedded API with zero-setup Salesforce CLI. /sobjects. Salesforce; Marketing Cloud; Experiences Trailblazer Account. Use SOQL to mark records as recently viewed to ensure that information such as the date and time the The Salesforce Place Order REST API is a composite API that gives programmatic access to contract, order, and order product data, as well as child custom object data of contracts and orders in Salesforce. Back The examples in this section use REST API resources to create, retrieve, update, and delete records, along with other record-related operations. Connect REST API Authorization Connect REST API uses OAuth to securely identify your application before connecting to Salesforce. Describe Global. This resource is available in REST API version 32. See OAuth and Connect REST API for more information. Tableau Embedding Playground. 『Salesforce Reports and Dashboards REST API Developer Guide (Salesforce Reports および Dashboards REST API 開発者ガイド) このセクションの例では、REST API リソースを使用して、Salesforce Object Search Language (SOSL)、Salesforce Object Query Language (SOQL)、およびその他の検索 API を使用したレコードの検索やクエリを実行します。SOSL および SOQL についての詳細は、『SOQL および SOSL リファレンス』を参照してください。 This resource is available in REST API version 30. Access Trailhead, your Trailblazer profile, community, learning, original series, events, support, and more. For more information, see Salesforce Omnichannel Inventory Resources and Salesforce Order Management Resources in the Connect REST API Developer Guide , and ConnectApi Namespace in the This resource is available in REST API version 24. It exposes all sorts of Salesforce functionality via REST resources and HTTP methods. Simplify development and build automation with a command-line interface. PDF. The system-generated ID used to identify the Chat session on the Chat servers. Learn how to read report fact maps. Data Category Detail. Wave Resource. Data portability satisfies your customers’ right to obtain a copy of their PII that is kept in your REST API は、リソースの使用状況に基づいています。リソースは、レコード、レコードのコレクション、クエリ結果、メタデータ、API 情報など、Salesforce のデータの一部を表します。各リソースは URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) で公開され、対応する URI に HTTP 要求を送信することでアクセスできます。 This resource is available in REST API version 29. Return Headers of Quick Actions Returns only the headers that are returned by sending a GET request to the Quick Actions resource. Experience the Tableau Embedded API with zero-setup For updates and changes that impact the Salesforce Platform, including REST API, see the API Release Notes. Requirements and Limitations HTTP Method: REST uses standard HTTP methods, and for Salesforce’s API it will likely be one of the following depending on the resource in question: GET – Retrieving information about/from a resource, such as getting record details. The flexibility and scalability of REST API make it an excellent choice for integrating Salesforce into your applications and for performing complex operations on a large scale. You can use the output of one request as the input to a subsequent request. Built on the principles of Representational State Transfer (REST), the REST API is designed to be lightweight, flexible, Find critical answers for all things Salesforce – search resources, browse documentation, log cases, and more. Use these resources to get a list of repositories, to get information about a repository or a repository file, and to get the content of a repository file. Also use these resources to get information about the files and folders in a repository folder. Choose from standard actions, REST API is based on the usage of resources—pieces of data in Salesforce, such as records, collections of records, query results, metadata, or API information. Connect REST API authentication is different from the authentication for other Data Cloud APIs. Get Appointment Slots Returns a list of available appointment time slots for a resource based on given work type group or work type and service territories. For more information, see API Limits and Guidelines. sObject Basic Information Data Cloud Query and Unified Profile parameters allow you to leverage Salesforce REST API Query endpoint to execute SOQL queries against the Unified Profile, Data Source objects, or Data Model objects within your org. About Executes a series of REST API requests in a single call. Provides a shortcut to navigate directly to likely relevant articles before the user performs a search. 0) Integrate mobile apps, intranet sites, and third-party web applications with Salesforce using Connect REST API. Composite graphs extend regular composite requests by allowing you to assemble a more complicated and complete series of related objects and records. See Build, Manage, Schedule, and Run Recipes with REST APIs; The Recipe REST API is based on the Connect REST API and follows its conventions. If you add a required field after creating a quick action, the field doesn’t appear in the quick action’s describe results. API End-of-Life Policy The examples in this section use REST API resources to search and query records using Salesforce Object Search Language (SOSL) and Salesforce Object Query Language (SOQL), and other search APIs. Data Category Groups. Use actions to add more functionality to your applications. Loyalty Management. sObject Basic Information Calls to Apex REST classes count against the organization's API governor limits. Note: In your organization, your Salesforce admin might create the managed app for you. About Salesforce Salesforce CLI. API End-of-Life Policy Salesforce is committed to supporting each API version for a In addition to Einstein Discovery REST API input parameters, you can use the following Connect REST API input parameters to filter the results returned from a request: filterGroup, external, and internal. 0) Connect REST API を使用して、モバイルアプリケーション、イントラネットサイト、およびサードパーティの Web アプリケーションを Salesforce と統合します。応答は、表示用にローカライズおよび構造化されており、アプリケーションが必要とする応答のみが含まれるように絞り込むことができます。 Find critical answers for all things Salesforce – search resources, browse documentation, log cases, and more. Find critical answers for all things Salesforce 1 つの要求で複数のレコードに対してアクションを実行します。sObject コレクションを使用することで、クライアントとサーバー間の往復回数を抑えられます。要求のレスポンスボディと HTTP 状況は、1 つのレスポンスボディで返されます。要求全体が API の制限に単一のコールとして計上され This API resource executes the specified QueryAll request. The Salesforce REST API offers a simple and powerful way to interact with Salesforce data over HTTP using standard web protocols. 0 and later, and this resource is available with article URL names in version 44. 0) Discover the power of Salesforce REST API integration: Streamline operations, enhance customer relationships, and achieve real-time data sync. If you prefer to send push notifications without looping through the Apex engine—in other words, if you just want to push a simple message from a connected app on one mobile device to another—use the Connect REST API push notification resource. Salesforce Knowledge must be Find critical answers for all things Salesforce – search resources, browse documentation, log cases, and more. 0 Document for sObject REST API (Beta) SOAP API. Search by defining parameters in the request body Access advanced search that offers more control over how the search query executes. You can use REST API to manage several important marketing activities. 0 and no later than the Batch version in the top-level request. Access Connect REST API resources by using the URI for your company's instance, combined with version and Experience Cloud site information, and the URI for the resource. 0 Document for sObjects REST Access to a managed app in Salesforce that authorizes REST API requests from your REST client. All Marketing Cloud Engagement features implement REST API. New and Changed Chatter REST API Resources These resources are new or have changes. If the user can’t access the email link, they can finish resetting their password by logging in with the temporary password. Questions? We can help. There are limits that apply to your use of REST API. Check the description of the endpoint and object you want to use to determine user permission requirements for access. Visit the Help Center. Data Prep Recipe REST API Developer Guide. All IDs must be for records on the same object. sObject Basic Information. Create a Lists available resources for the specified API version, including resource name and URI. Regular composite requests allow you to execute a series of REST API requests in a single call. Search Developers Find critical answers for all things Salesforce – search resources, browse documentation, log cases, and more. For Chatter REST API resources, Clicking an action link can take a user to a Web page, initiate a file download, or invoke an API call to Salesforce or to an external server. You can set up and use REST API in many ways, and the examples show how to use the free Developer Edition and cURL. Salesforce auto-generates a temporary password for the user and returns it in the response body. Back このセクションの例では、REST API リソースを使用してレコードの作成、取得、更新、削除とその他のレコード関連操作を実行します。 Find critical answers for all things Salesforce – search resources, browse documentation, log cases, and more. This functionality is supported using API version 51. Theme information is provided for objects in your organization that use icons and colors in the Salesforce UI. Surveys Resources. Trigger Process Rules Triggers all active workflow rules. For more information on SOSL Returns results on suggested articles for a Case, Work Order, or Work Order Line. And you can use the output of one request as the input to a subsequent request. Salesforce Reports and Dashboards REST API Developer Guide. Integrate mobile apps, intranet sites, and third-party web applications with Salesforce using Chatter REST API. If the number of results returned from a SOQL query exceeds the number of requested records or the limit, the response contains a batch of results, a false value for done , and a query locator. sObject Basic Information This resource is available in REST API version 32. Provides the organization encoding, and the maximum batch size permitted in queries. Use the REST resource deployRequest to move metadata (XML files) between a Salesforce organization and a local file system. This resource can be used in API version 31. Returns a list of available Salesforce Scheduler REST resources and corresponding URIs. Annotation Resources. j. Consent API writes consent values across the Contact, Contact Point Type Consent, Data Use Purpose, Individual, Lead, Person Account, and User objects when the records have a lookup relationship or This resource is available in REST API version 45. 0) This resource is available in REST API version 28. REST API uses RESTful architecture to provide a straightforward and consistent interface. Mark Records as Recently Viewed To mark a record as recently viewed using REST API, use the Query resource with a FOR VIEW or FOR REFERENCE clause. See Run, Schedule, and Sync CRM Analytics Data with REST APIs; Retrieve or update recipe metadata. Top-level request and response bodies are found on the same page as the resources that use them Find critical answers for all things Salesforce – search resources, browse documentation, log cases, and more. Chat REST API Resources To perform a POST or GET request, create and send an HTTP request with the appropriate parameters or request body. (PII) across multiple records when using REST API version 50. This Quick Start explains setting up a basic environment and updating a record using REST API. This resource is available in This resource is available in REST API version 24. Asset Files Resources. Authenticated users need the UserProfile. Include hyperlinks in posts, purge mission activity for users, and take advantage of generally available Next Best Actions. 0 Document for sObjects REST API (Beta) Reference. Lists available resources for the specified API version, including resource name and URI. This resource is available in REST API version 44. The response bodies and HTTP statuses of the requests are returned in a single response body. New and Changed Connect REST API Resources This resource is available in REST API version 30. All rules associated with the specified ID are evaluated, regardless of the evaluation criteria. Batching for the following resources and resource groups is available in API version 35. For more information on SOSL and SOQL see the SOQL and SOSL Reference. 45 — Salesforce have done a lot of work to improve the Salesforce REST API to make it more efficient and less cumbersome To view reference content for REST API resources, click the . Generate an OpenAPI 3. Salesforce Healthcare API. Step 1: Create a Connected Application in Salesforce Find critical answers for all things Salesforce – search resources, browse documentation, log cases, and more. 0) Find critical answers for all things Salesforce – search resources, browse documentation, log cases, and more. New and Changed Find critical answers for all things Salesforce – search resources, browse documentation, log cases, and more. Experience the Tableau Embedded API with zero-setup This resource is available with article IDs in REST API version 38. Add all required fields to an object before you create a quick action for that object. Next it uses the account data and the Composite resource’s reference ID functionality to create a contact and populate its fields based on the account data. sObject Basic Information Access Connect REST API resources by using the URI for your company's instance, combined with version and Experience Cloud site information, and the URI for the resource. Resources include records, query results, metadata, and more. sObject Basic Information This resource is available in REST API version 38. 0. sObject Basic Information Use the Salesforce Release Notes to learn about the most recent updates and changes to the Einstein Discovery Connect REST API. Each resource is exposed REST API provides you with programmatic access to your data in Salesforce. Find critical answers for all things Salesforce – search resources, browse REST API. About Salesforce This resource is available in REST API version 30. Login. Use a client application to manage data and Salesforce records. About Salesforce X-LIVEAGENT-API-VERSION The Salesforce API version for the request. The entire series of CRM ANALYTICS REST API OVERVIEW You can access CRM Analytics features such as datasets, dashboards, and lenses programmatically using the CRM Analytics REST API. REST API uses JSON request and response bodies and resource endpoints. sObject Basic Information Find critical answers for all things Salesforce – search resources, browse documentation, log cases, and more. To access supported Salesforce APIs, Apex REST resources, and Lightning Out from JavaScript code in a web browser, add the origin serving the code to a Salesforce CORS allowlist. REST calls are synchronous. For information about the items in the response body, see DescribeSObjectResult in the SOAP API Developer Guide. This approach ensures that fields that depend on locale, such as date fields, are interpreted consistently during data migrations between REST API によって、Salesforce のデータにプログラムを使用してアクセスできます。REST API は柔軟性と拡張性に優れているため、Salesforce をアプリケーションに統合したり、大規模で複雑な操作を行ったりするときには最善の Find critical answers for all things Salesforce – search resources, browse documentation, log cases, and more. Products. Experience the Tableau Embedded API with zero-setup The following example uses the Composite resource to execute several dependent requests all in a single call. 0 or later. Versions. For example, the maximum request or response size is 6 MB for synchronous Apex or 12 MB for asynchronous Apex. Experience the Tableau Embedded API with zero-setup External objects that are associated with non-high-data-volume external data sources use the 18-character Salesforce ID for the id. API End-of-Life Policy Find critical answers for all things Salesforce – search resources, browse documentation, log cases, and more. To create a connected app in Salesforce, your user account must have the Manage Connected App permission. 0) For Salesforce Omnichannel Inventory and Salesforce Order Management, you can also call the corresponding Connect REST API endpoints or Apex ConnectApi methods. 0) This resource can be used in API version 38. However, the 400-MB limit for components that are uncompressed into an unzipped folder after upload applies to both SOAP and REST deployments. Actions Resource. CRM Analytics REST API Resources Overview. Otherwise, refer to the API Release Notes for any recent changes that impact the platform and all APIs. Visit the Help Center Generating an OpenAPI 3. About Salesforce REST API は Web インターフェースの 1 つであり、Salesforce のユーザーインターフェースを使用することなく Salesforce データにアクセス可能になります。API アクセスによって、自由に操作を実行したり、Salesforce をアプリケーションに統合したりできます。 (In API version 43. 0) Resources include records, query results, metadata, and more. This resource is available in REST API version 38. Winter '25 (API version 62. Support Knowledge with REST API. 0) This resource is available in REST API version 24. Return Headers of App Menu Item Requests Returns only the headers that are returned by a GET request for Executes a series of REST API requests in a single POST request, or retrieves a list of other composite resources with a GET request. About Salesforce. On the User Interface page, select Enable Salesforce Platform REST API View Recently Viewed Records Use the Recently Viewed Items resource to get a list of recently viewed records. 0) Summer '24 (API version 61. Data in XML files is formatted using the English (United States) locale. Spring '19 よりも前に作成された組織では、この日次制限は、Apex と Salesforce API (REST API を除く) を介して送信された Understanding Place Order REST API Resources Integrate your order creation system with Salesforce by using the Place Order REST API. sObject Basic Information A Files Connect repository is an external content repository that’s connected to Salesforce. sObject Basic Information Client applications are independent from Salesforce REST API, meaning each is managed and updated independently. For more information, see Specifying Response Sizes in the Connect REST API Developer Guide. Create a Record Use the sObject Basic Information resource to create new records. Salesforce Developer Website. sObject コレクションを使用した PATCH 要求によって、最大 200 件のレコードを更新し、SaveResult オブジェクトのリストを返します。エラーが発生した場合に要求全体をロールバックするかどうかを選択できます。 This resource is available in REST API version 31. When querying Tooling API objects using REST resources, keep in mind that the user permissions needed for access vary from endpoint to endpoint and from object to object. Salesforce; Marketing Cloud; Find critical answers for all things Salesforce – search resources, browse documentation, log cases, and more. Find critical answers for all things Salesforce – search resources, browse documentation, log cases, and more. @1. Actions— v XX. For a client application to access REST API resources, it must be authorized as a safe visitor. 0) PDF-1. Einstein Discovery Connect REST API Release Notes Use the Salesforce Release Notes to learn about the most recent updates and changes to the Einstein Discovery Connect REST API. External objects that are associated with non-high-data-volume external data sources use the 18-character Salesforce ID for the id. Place Order REST API Resource Reference Each Place Order REST API resource is a URI used with an HTTP method (such as GET). Gets a list of the App Menu items in the Salesforce Lightning dropdown menu. New Invocable Action in Health Cloud. apiEnabled permission, Knowledge enabled in the organization, read rights on the article type, and any other knowledge specific permission or This resource is available in REST API version 44. sObject Basic Information Access all Reports and Dashboards REST API resources by using the URI for your Salesforce org, combined with version and Experience Cloud site information, and the URI for the resource. A primary benefit of REST API is that it doesn’t require much tooling to access your data. Salesforce provides a wide range of integration tools, and one of the most widely used methods is the REST API. 0 and later. Skip Navigation. Generating an OpenAPI 3. Running a report returns a fact map that describes report data. To implement this authorization, use a Find critical answers for all things Salesforce – search resources, browse documentation, log cases, and more. An action link includes a URL and an HTTP method, and can include a request body and header information Find critical answers for all things Salesforce – search resources, browse documentation, log cases, and more. sObject Basic Find critical answers for all things Salesforce – search resources, browse documentation, log cases, and more. This resource is available in REST API version 29. Using the CRM Analytics REST API, you can: • Send queries directly to the CRM Analytics Platform. For information about different ways to execute the Reports REST API, see Send REST Request with cURL and Authorization Through Connected Apps and OAuth 2. Data Loader. Analytics Assets Resources. REST API. > Platform The structure of a REST API is as follows: Resource: Represents the object In addition to CRM Analytics REST API input parameters, you can use the following Connect REST API input parameters to filter the results returned from a request: filterGroup, external, and internal. Connect REST API Developer Guide. Review the platform API limits and allocations for a comprehensive list of all applicable limits to composite graph API resources. Return HTTP Headers for Standard Invocable Actions The examples in this section use REST API resources to search and query records using Salesforce Object Search Language (SOSL) and Salesforce Object Query Language (SOQL), and other search APIs. Lists the available objects and their metadata for your data. To set up and run REST API, send a few basic requests to Salesforce. This resource is available in REST API version 28. 0 and later, AppExchange packages can contain up to 12,500 files. • Access datasets that have been imported into the CRM Analytics Platform. Company. This resource is available in REST API version 45. Salesforce Knowledge must be enabled in your organization. For information about the items in the response body, see DescribeSObjectResult in the SOAP API Developer’s Guide. About Salesforce Salesforce Data Cloud Connect REST API resources, request bodies, and response bodies moved to the Data Cloud Connect REST API Guide. For each limit, this resource returns the maximum allocation and the remaining allocation based on usage. To access different types of resources in Salesforce, make a Einstein Discovery Connect REST API Release Notes Use the Salesforce Release Notes to learn about the most recent updates and changes to the Einstein Discovery Connect REST API. REST resources give you access to Tooling API objects. The legacy chat product is scheduled for retirement on February 14, 2026, and is in maintenance mode until then. Salesforce CLI. . About Find critical answers for all things Salesforce – search resources, browse documentation, log cases, and more. When there are new or changed features in REST API, a link to those specific release notes is included here. This resource is available in REST API version 30. Get Appointment Candidates Learn how to run, create, edit, or delete reports with the Reports REST API. Get Translated Value of a Survey Field After a survey field is translated into a particular language, you can use this resource to get the translated value of the survey field. Create Records Using Quick Actions Creates a record via a quick action. Tabulated limits returned by the API are accurate within five minutes of resource This resource is available in REST API version 28. 0) Winter '25 (API version 62. This resource is available in REST API version 36. Close. All standard Apex governor limits apply to Apex REST classes. Invocable Actions. Back. To query resources from your Salesforce org where Experience Cloud sites have same-named objects, such as Groups, you must make the request from your Experience Cloud site This resource is available in REST API version 48. Search Developers. About Salesforce New and Changed Report Type REST API Resources. About Salesforce Find critical answers for all things Salesforce – search resources, browse documentation, log cases, and more. Spring '25 preview (API version 63. ) The . Connect REST API resources are sometimes called endpoints. Examples / Getting Information About My Organization / List Org Limits. Gets the list of icons and colors used by themes in the Salesforce application. X /actions The API version of the resource accessed in each subrequest must be no earlier than 34. You can retrieve, create, and update object data with REST API resources that this OpenAPI document describes. It’s simpler to use than SOAP API but still provides plenty of functionality. About Salesforce This resource is available in REST API version 50. First, it creates an account and retrieves its information. List Key Terms: Salesforce REST API, Composite API, Batching REST Resource. To allow access to supported Salesforce APIs, Apex REST resources, and Lightning Out from JavaScript code in a web browser, add the requesting origin to your Salesforce This resource is available in REST API version 48. See Perform Cross-Origin Requests from Web Using the Recipe REST API, you can: Run, schedule, and sync recipes. CRM Analytics REST API Developer Guide. Limits. 0) Winter List information about limits in your org. Otherwise, external objects use the External ID standard field of the external object for the id. Salesforce; Marketing Cloud; Returns the total number of Lightning Experience and Salesforce Mobile users. wbm dolmf eoky szw yaoyb lnxuj esygiwx ndlwtuz kamcpqa jydjuf